Commissioning Work
Commissioning work
As I am profoundly deaf and have difficulty hearing clearly on the phone I would prefer contact by email or text.
Please feel free to let me know any particular requirements or any questions you may have. The following information is also most helpful.
- Title of publication & subject matter
- Number of pages
- Arrival date and deadline
- Budget available
- Space availability
- Format required (e.g. MS Word RTF)
- Style requirements (brief or sample index)
Early warning of a project helps with planning, scheduling deadlines and accommodating urgent requests.
Finalised pagination is important as any late changes to the text affect the page numbers and may increase costs. However if required I can index books at an earlier proof stage using paragraph numbers for the printer to translate into page numbers, or for use with on-line publications. I am also experienced with tagging and embedded indexes.
As I work from screen PDF files can be emailed or downloaded from an FTP site. I also accept hard copies by post where necessary.
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